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CSR 1 Introducing Catholic Sports Radio

Catholic Sports Radio Episode 01 01 FEB 2019 To launch the show, the host talks about Catholic Sports Radio’s mission and what listeners can expect to hear (and how they can help) plus he talks about what qualifies him to

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CSR 1 Introducing Catholic Sports Radio2022-03-26T02:14:41-04:00
Apple Podcasts

Catholic Sports Radio

Episode 01

01 FEB 2019

To launch the show, the host talks about Catholic Sports Radio’s mission and what listeners can expect to hear (and how they can help) plus he talks about what qualifies him to lead this project in the first place (his Catholic life and his sports and broadcasting/podcasting background). He also cites examples and quotes from saints who are closely connected to sports, and there is a sportsman prayer that he prays at the end.

Related links:

Bruce’s other podcast

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