Located at the intersection of your faith life and your sports life
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CSR 71 Don Dziagwa

Don Dziagwa Episode 71 8 JUNE 2020 The Athletic Director and basketball coach at Tampa Catholic High School, where he has been for over 30 years and was a 2015 inductee to their Hall of Fame.  Back in HIS high

CSR 70 Kate Ziegler

Kate Ziegler Episode 70 1 JUNE 2020 A two-time Olympian (London 2012 & Beijing 2008), four-time World Champion and a world record setter.  In total she won 15 medals in international competition. She retired from swimming in 2016 and has

CSR 69 Jaime Barta

Jaime Barta Episode 69 25 MAY 2020 A junior at Syracuse University where she plays on the softball team after having played at a different school each of the previous two years.  In high school she had been a four-time

CSR 68 Doug Lipinski

Doug Lipinski Episode 68 18 MAY 2020 The Deputy Athletic Director for External Relations at Grand Valley State University in Michigan where he and his staff have been honored with 70 national awards.  As a student athlete at the school

CSR 67 Andrew Whitaker

Andrew Whitaker Episode 67 11 MAY 2020 The Vice President of Operations as well as a founding board member of the National Catholic Coaches Association.  He was a student manager for Michigan State’s football team, coached football for two seasons

CSR 66 Nikki Breske

Nikki Breske Episode 66 4 MAY 2020 She just graduated from Florida State University where she was a pole vaulter, ranking among the Seminoles Top Ten all-time both outdoors and indoors. Born and raised Catholic, in high school she competed

CSR 65 Fr Stephen Gadberry

Fr Stephen Gadberry Episode 65 27 APR 2020 The pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Batesville, Arkansas, AND St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church in Newport, Arkansas.  He was on Season 10 of “American Ninja Warrior” on NBC in 2018 and

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CSR 71 Don Dziagwa2020-06-07T23:21:49-04:00
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Don Dziagwa

Episode 71

8 JUNE 2020

The Athletic Director and basketball coach at Tampa Catholic High School, where he has been for over 30 years and was a 2015 inductee to their Hall of Fame.  Back in HIS high school days he played four years of basketball and baseball, plus one year of football.  A lifelong Catholic, he also had coaching stops in West Virginia as well as five years at another high school in the Tampa Bay area.  He’s also a member of the Knights of Columbus.

Notable guest quotes:

“It goes all the way back to my parents, who were, of course, Catholic.  And their parents, my grandparents, Catholic, coming over from Poland. It’s pretty deep rooted as far as our Catholic faith goes.”

“(I) grew up, at least my younger years, were in Chicago, which is a very Catholic-oriented town.”

“We moved to West Virginia and the Catholic faith certainly came along with us.  I went to Catholic grade school, St. Margaret Mary Catholic grade school… And from there I went to Parkersburg Catholic High School.”

“I think I just try to be a good person in regards to everything that I do and hopefully that means I’m a good Catholic too.”

“What really has been very great for me is the fact that I have spent so much time in Catholic schools, ya’ know, been around the faith.”

“I think what I try to do… is being a good role model and being a good leader in regards to faith.”

“All of our sporting events, we begin with a prayer, whether it be in the locker room, we also begin with a prayer before all of our athletic events, no matter what athletic event that is.”

Next year we’re actually going to have a priest also on campus, which is really kind of an unusual type thing for Catholic high schools, I guess, that maybe we all don’t have the opportunity to have our own priest.”

“We have a great program… in regards to our students going on retreat.  So… all of our athletes, not just my basketball players… are involved with those type of things where, whether they’re Catholic or not, it certainly is devoted to them having a faith life and having God in their life.”

“That’s a blessing ’cause there’s a lot of people that certainly will go to their job and there’s no indication that anything there would be faith-related or Catholic-related… and I kind of am exposed to that almost all the time.”

“My faith path, I’m not one maybe that’s out in the community talking all the time about my faith and things of that nature.  I think I have a very personal relationship with Jesus.”

[This episode contains a prayer by Oldenburg Academy of the Immaculate Conception (Oldenburg, IN) Athletic Director Tim Boyle, as seen in Play Like A Champion Today’s prayerbook for sports, God, Be In My Sport]
CSR 70 Kate Ziegler2020-06-01T00:34:45-04:00
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Kate Ziegler

Episode 70

1 JUNE 2020

A two-time Olympian (London 2012 & Beijing 2008), four-time World Champion and a world record setter.  In total she won 15 medals in international competition. She retired from swimming in 2016 and has since earned her MBA and helped launch two companies. She is a holistic high-performance coach and a national speaker.  As a youngster she had also played softball and basketball.

Notable guest quotes:

“We were raised in the Catholic faith.  So, went to church every Sunday, grew up going to CCD and getting all the sacraments and that was a really significant part of my upbringing.”

Most kids don’t want to go to Catholic high school because of uniforms or they think it’s going to be boring, and, I was the kid who begged to switch from public school to Catholic school.”

“I think (my parents) were also a little taken aback by a twelve-year old saying, ‘Can I get more religion in my life,’ but that was me.”

“I think it was less me choosing the water and (more) the water choosing me.”

“My mom would hide little cards in my bag, my suitcase, my swim bag… These little cards really encouraged me… Every single one she would write a Bible verse in it for me.  And she would remind me of how much the Lord loved me, whether I won, whether I lost, no matter the performance, she would remind me that she loves me and that God has got me in His hands.”

“God is faithful and so good and He helped me.  He answered that prayer but in a way that I never expected.”

“As much as swimming gave me wonderful blessings… I also, at a pretty early age… I desperately wanted validation and love… And I started to see God as almost like a bank teller.  ‘Here, I’ll make my deposit now.  You give me something in return.’  And, that is so far from the relationship that I now have.  Thank you, praise the Lord that He has healed me and helped me get out of really this prison of a performance-based identity and now instead I see my identity in Christ.”

“Since retiring from swimming I started working with athletes on how to change their mindset so that they can really get all the blessings out of a sport.  Perform to the best of their ability but also not over-identify, not become so really constrained by the fear and doubts and insecurity of losing that they lose their faith.”

“From a faith perspective, when I faced challenges there were times where I really leaned on the Lord.  And there were times where I saw adversity as some sort of punishment.”

“One of my Bible study teachers, she said, ‘We can either control or we can have faith, but you can’t have both.  So, which do you choose’?”

“At the end of the day the Lord has the best plans and we’ve just got to trust in that.”

“I had this mistaken belief that I could just do it alone.  And what I realized was ohh how mistaken I am.  The Lord created us to be in community.  And He has blessed me so profoundly with incredible mentors, friends, spiritual guides in my life from the most unexpected people.”

Related link:

Kate’s official website

(This episode contains a prayer adapted from one by an unknown Confederate Soldier, as seen in Play Like A Champion Today’s prayerbook for sports, God, Be In My Sport)
CSR 69 Jaime Barta2020-05-23T19:07:08-04:00
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Jaime Barta

Episode 69

25 MAY 2020

A junior at Syracuse University where she plays on the softball team after having played at a different school each of the previous two years.  In high school she had been a four-time all-state selection and set six school records.  Her faith walk includes work that she did for a refugee family, which she mentions in this interview.  Her father is a longtime baseball coach and her mother played college softball.

Notable guest quotes:

“Growing up we didn’t have a ton of friends from a young age, so, we grew close as a family and bonded over a lot of things like sports and obviously our faith.”

“(her dad) has had a huge impact on me.  He was a devout Catholic and shared that with us and really led our family in that spiritual aspect of how important your faith is in your life.  And it was non-negotiable.  We were going to Mass every Sunday wherever we were.  Whether we were at a tournament or we were scouting with him, we always found a church to go to Mass.”

“In seventh grade when I started Confirmation prep, something just changed, something clicked, just spiritually my faith became my own.  It wasn’t my parents taking me to Mass, it was me feeling that presence.”

“Faith isn’t about feelings, but, when you have that and you’re on fire for it, it’s a big time in your life.”

“Throughout my life I just really felt a connection to (Joan of Arc) and she’s just been really important in my faith life for me.”

“The Catholic high school was pretty expensive in town and I begged my parents to go, and, knowing it would be a financial burden, but I just really wanted that opportunity to grow in my faith every day at a school like that.  So, they made the sacrifices to send me there and I’m so thankful still.”

“In my freshman year on a retreat… I kind of discovered Adoration and just fell in love with it and then throughout my four years of high school I would go to Adoration daily during lunch, in our chapel… And it was just really transformative for my faith.”

“When I first got to college that was the first real test of my faith and my conviction… (but) …we had a really strong Neuman Center, which was really helpful for me and I had a teammate who was also Catholic, so that helped immensely just having that, kind of, accountability partner.  We would go to Mass every Sunday.”

“Get to know (teammates) and let them get to know you and… I want them to know, like, I’m not judging them.  I’m just here to love them and be their teammate.  So, just getting to know the person in their heart and showing them the love of Christ through that relationship and just how you treat them every day.”

Related link:

Jaime’s bio on Syracuse University website

(This episode contains a prayer by Gregg Easterbrook from the NFL.com and ESPN.com column “Monday Morning Quarterback,” as seen in Play Like A Champion Today’s prayerbook for sports, God, Be In My Sport)
CSR 68 Doug Lipinski2020-05-16T20:06:48-04:00
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Doug Lipinski

Episode 68

18 MAY 2020

The Deputy Athletic Director for External Relations at Grand Valley State University in Michigan where he and his staff have been honored with 70 national awards.  As a student athlete at the school he was a four-year member of the varsity baseball team, followed by four years as an assistant coach.  While growing up he had played five different sports.

Notable guest quotes:

“We belonged to St. Ephrem’s parish there in Sterling Heights and went to catechism and Religious Ed throughout our childhood.”

“I played baseball, golf, football, basketball – even when I was younger for a few years was on a bowling team.  So, ya’ know, did it all and enjoyed the physical activity.”

“Like many young adults, (age) 18-22, 23, you’re not as close to the church as I am now and as I was as a child.  So, you kind of go through a period of finding yourself.”

“My wife has a steadfast belief and grew up in the Catholic church… Her commitment and her personality and who she is as a person really makes me a better person.”

“For me, it’s the gathering, the comfort, and the peace that it brings me when you go to church.”

“For me, in a pretty stressful position that I’m in at work, it gives me not only family time, but it gives me time to be with the Lord.”

“As we decide to go on vacations it’s part of, ‘Where are we going to go to church on Sunday,’ so it’s kind of a fun family deal.”

“That happened Monday morning, and Tuesday afternoon-ish, around lunchtime, I just had to get out of (work), went down to St. Luke’s University parish… and I really just wanted to sit in an empty church.”

“My mentality is a continuous improvement philosophy, trying to get better every day.  And so, taking a humble approach, an attitude of gratitude.”

“How my faith… helps, the values that I have as a Catholic, I can bring to (coaching staffs) knowing that there’s much more than what they’re dealing with right now… Giving them the 30 thousand foot view of ‘things will be okay, we’ll get through this, and how can I help.’  And I think it just goes back to the values of being a Catholic.”

“Everyone’s faith journey is different.  I think that the diversity of everybody’s journey is what is special about the faith.”

“I don’t win or lose any games.  I’m part of a team.  And so, I’m here to give our student-athletes the best experience possible.”

“Fellowship goes a long ways.  And, it’s an opportunity for prayer.  It’s also an opportunity to bring people together.”

Related link:

Doug’s GVSU bio page

CSR 67 Andrew Whitaker2020-05-10T21:31:33-04:00
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Andrew Whitaker

Episode 67

11 MAY 2020

The Vice President of Operations as well as a founding board member of the National Catholic Coaches Association.  He was a student manager for Michigan State’s football team, coached football for two seasons at Alfred State College and one season at the University of St. Thomas.  Plus, he coached two seasons of varsity tennis at Lumen Christi, a private Roman Catholic high school in Jackson, Michigan, where he had played five sports when he was a student-athlete. He also volunteered as a soccer coach and English teacher for refugee children in Africa.

Notable guest quotes:

“Both of my parents were Catholic.  I am one of four children… We were definitely raised in a household that prayed before every meal, attended church every Sunday… My parents were always very open about their faith.”

“My junior and senior year I had the opportunity to go (to Jamaica) and do some ministry down there and it was a wonderful experience…  It’s something that to this day… I still draw from experiences that I had there.”

“That’s just an opportunity to travel and see a little bit more of the world, see a little bit more of God’s creation, but also at the same time give back while doing that, not just selfishly take from those experiences but to actually give something out of those experiences.  And often times you get more than you even give when you’re doing something like that.”

“I almost feel like it was one of those innate, blessed, God-given abilities.  And so I think when you have something like that, and I think everybody does, sometimes you have to search for it, you don’t know exactly what your special talent may be, but when you figure that out I think it’s very important that you share that with the world because God didn’t just give that to you for no reason.  He didn’t just make you who you are and say, ‘Okay, don’t utilize any of the special qualities or the talents that I gave you’.”

“I also think it’s important to give back.  So, I had thought a lot about joining the Peace Corps.  I thought that might be a good opportunity to travel and to give back to the world a little bit.”

“I will say that there are some times when you do have those struggles or when things really are stressing you out – maybe you’re in the middle of work for the season, you have got practices that you’re going to, you’ve got exams that are coming up – it’s a real time where you’re like, ‘Boy, man am I glad that I have faith, that I am a Catholic and that I can just go for an hour to church and reset and talk to God, refocus on what’s important here.”

“For me it was always just a blessing to have the opportunity to get to do something that I love.”

“I love coaching and if an opportunity – and the correct opportunity – presents itself and I think it’s really what God’s calling me to do, I’ll definitely jump at the chance.”

Related link:

National Catholic Coaches Association

CSR 66 Nikki Breske2020-05-01T22:54:47-04:00
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Nikki Breske

Episode 66

4 MAY 2020

She just graduated from Florida State University where she was a pole vaulter, ranking among the Seminoles Top Ten all-time both outdoors and indoors. Born and raised Catholic, in high school she competed for Winter Park High in central Florida and was undefeated during her senior season there. She is committed to and outspoken about abstinence and chastity. Listen for the phone call she received her first week away at college and how she responded.

Notable guest quotes:

“But with all of this (pandemic) going on I’ve definitely gone into overdrive in praying and just asking God to lead me wherever He wants me to go next and worry less, stress about it less, and just allow Him to guide my life where He wants me to be.”

“I was (a) cradle Catholic, so, born and raised.  I went to St. Margaret Mary Catholic School, K through eighth grade.  And then, we always went to Mass as a family every Sunday.”

“I didn’t want to leave the church ’cause that was where I felt at home even though I hadn’t been to that church before.  It was just the presence of God and knowing that each Catholic Mass was the same in terms of reading and whatnot.”

“I’ve seen people come out of college or go through college and I’ve seen the heartbreak of all of the sins, just, like, the drinking and the partying, and, just, I knew that wasn’t something that I wanted to do and I knew that ultimately wouldn’t help me in track.”

“I think it just helped me realize that God created us for so much more.  So it gave me pretty clear eyes to see that even though I was in an environment in which sin was dwelling, that that wasn’t the only option that I had.”

“I would say I have a definite passion especially for abstinence and promoting chastity among all young single people.”

“God has created each and every one of us for our mission for His plan.”

“Nobody’s happy with the ‘hookup culture.’  Nobody’s happy being hungover the next day.  Nobody’s satisfied but nobody talks about it.  Everybody talks about the fun that they had, but when you get alone in a room are you happy with yourself?  And I’ve seen more often than not that people aren’t and that they’re searching for more.  And though it seems in a twisted way, I think all of this is us searching for God.  Whatever we are diving into or indulging, it’s really a search for happiness and a search for Jesus.”

“Sports are great, but at the end of the day there is an end to everything.  There’s a season for everything.  And prioritizing school, especially, I think is something so important.  Education and learning are SO important, especially going into the real world.  And you never have a plan of when your season is going to an end or an injury occurs.”

“I have… found that when I start my day at 7am in that Mass and receiving Jesus in Communion, that my day is significantly better.  I start my day with so much more peace and just a happiness.  I think I radiate something so much more than myself when I start my day off in daily Mass and ask God to be with me and to allow Him to work through me and just be a friend to everybody just like Jesus was.”

“There were a couple meets that we all, regardless of the team, we all circled up, and we prayed, and I think those were some of the best meets with the best people to compete against.”

Related link:

Nikki Breske on Instagram

(This episode contains a prayer by Fort Worth Christian Football League parent Linda Fleshman, as seen in Play Like A Champion Today’s prayerbook for sports, God, Be In My Sport)
CSR 65 Fr Stephen Gadberry2020-04-25T16:28:19-04:00
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Fr Stephen Gadberry

Episode 65

27 APR 2020

The pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Batesville, Arkansas, AND St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church in Newport, Arkansas.  He was on Season 10 of “American Ninja Warrior” on NBC in 2018 and also enjoys archery and is an avid hunter, plus he coaches CrossFit.  He served in the U.S. Air Force in Texas, Germany, and central Iraq.

Notable guest quotes:

“Whenever I’m working and I’m being productive, for me that’s a very sacred moment.”

“I remember starting tee ball when I was probably five years old?  And pretty much every year since then I’ve done some sort of sport.”

“Throughout my life, just, I’ve always trusted the people who were over me: my parents growing up, my superiors in the military, my formators in the seminary, and now, of course, the bishop and the dean – the priest in charge of that area that I’m in – I trust that Christ will speak to me and I can hear His voice.  One of the ways I can hear it most clearly is through them.”

“(the bishop) was also concerned about my soul.  He said, ‘I want you to do (American Ninja Warrior) as long as it doesn’t affect you negatively spiritually’.”

“Spring of 2018 I get the call from (American Ninja Warrior).  They say, ‘Come, we’ll do the filming.’  I did that in Dallas, of all times, it was Palm Sunday night.”

“One of the best ways to preach the gospel is, just be joyful.”

“Through American Ninja Warrior I was… hoping to share this human aspect of this priest, because we’re called to live out the incarnation of Christ.  We’re called to share His grace, to manifest His divinity in the world through ministry, but we’re also called to embrace our own unique identity with our strengths and weaknesses that we have.  And so, He’s given me that particular skill set of… physical exertion, you could say.  So I just embraced it and trusted that if the Lord gave it to me and I use it well, that He’ll do what He needs to do.”

“(Saint) Augustine and Joseph Ratzinger, two of the greatest minds and greatest hearts in the history of the church.”

“I’ve been able to meet countless you could call them ‘famous’ people.  But at the end of the day, they do one thing and they do it well.  Everything else?  They’re just like you and me.  Which does not discourage me, but actually it encourages me to do, that one gift that God has given me, it encourages me to do it well.”

“It’s in the basics, the still, silent moments of the basic times of life that you can most perfectly hear the voice of the Lord.”

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