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Bear Woznick

Episode 251

20 NOV 2023

He returns after having first been on this show way back in October of 2019 (Episode 38). He is a TV and radio host, author, speaker, and world surfing champion. He operates Deep Adventure Ministries and his new book — his third book — is called, “12 Rules for Manliness: Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?”

Notable guest quotes:

“I tell the men, teach confirmation classes, be young adult leaders, and coach… I just think it’s incredibly vital and important work if you just coach.  You don’t even have to tell them about Jesus, they’ll know you’re a Christian because you’re modeling the virtues of fortitude, of justice, of self-mastery, of prudence, of faith, hope, and love.”

“(My wife and I) are going to get on our boat and we’re going to sail away, but we do know that God is up to something.  But our first step is just to take a deep breath, and say, ‘Okay, Lord, we’re listening.’  There’s a scripture verse that says ‘those (that) are led by the Spirit are like the wind’.”

“I love the catechism.  I think everyone should read for a few minutes every day and make their way through that catechism – let the catechism read you.”

“My dad was actually a deacon there in Lahaina at the Maria Lanakila Catholic Church.  And with all that tragedy, what’s interesting is that everything burnt to the ground, except that Catholic church… We had Mass there three days after the (wildfires).”

“In Hawaii when there’s someone who passes away, we’ll have a paddle out, and it happened two weeks later… we had about a thousand people paddle out on our surfboards, paddle out about a half a mile, and then we all get in a big circle and then we splash the water up in the air and we just pray.”

“I love that scripture verse in 1 Corinthians 13, ‘Be on the alert, make a stand, act like men, and do it all in love’.”

“We believe in fitness to witness.  If you’re not physically fit, you’re not going to fulfill your mission.”

“John Paul II, he says, ‘Love is self-donation’.”

“My personal creed is that the most radical quest a man can pursue is to abandon himself to the wild and adventure of God’s Will.”

Related links:

School of Manliness website
Bear’s new book