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Lauren Hazbun

Episode 289

12 AUG 2024

She is a current student-athlete, competing in the sport of volleyball. Away from the court, she brings her love of sports into her faith through a new non-profit that she is the founder and president of, called Field of Dreams Foundation: Catholic Sportsmanship in Action, Corp., which she talks about during this interview.  She also shares strong faith testimony as it relates to medical challenges that she has already been having to face throughout her young life.

Notable guest quotes:

“God really emphasizes how much family means and we are very Catholic based when it comes to our family.”

“I am a cradle Catholic. Both my parents have been Catholic their whole lives. God was a very big part of my childhood. I’ve been to Catholic schools my whole life.”

“I was always looking for something that I had a click with.  I tried dancing; I did dance for many, many years, and then I tried other sports to experiment.  That included figure skating, basketball, track and field, cross country, and at the young age of 10 years old I played volleyball for the first time, and I never let it go.”

“The Holy Spirit gave me that motivation, that push, that I needed to get through recovery, through physical therapy, and I felt that God put volleyball in my life to show me that it takes a team.  He gave me volleyball to create peace in my storm.”

“I love seeing how those girls or boys on the court have this strong love for each other and they look to each other once they know they did something right or wrong because it kind of shows that you can put your trust in other people and to me it shows me that I can put my trust in God.”

“In eighth grade, the morning after the sacrament of confirmation, my mom wanted to take one of my grandmothers to church, and I stood up to get out of bed that Sunday morning and I collapsed for the first time.”

“During that time, every lab or x-ray we would just pray and pray, and during my first MRI, my mom and I prayed very strong prayers like the rosary, and one of Mary’s strongest prayers.  And we, in this time, gave so much thanks to God for letting us find it and really giving me another chance to be able to find my purpose in life and find a way to help others and to give my whole life to God.”

“I began reading the Bible more often and I realized that the number three wasn’t a curse to me, it was a blessing, because, in the Bible, the number three signifies completeness.  It signifies the Holy Spirit and the harmony of life.  And I really was able to find the good in the storm and just find God through all of this struggle.”

“If God is telling me that this is one of the few things in life that is going to keep me calm, I know that I have to follow His orders and just stay strong.”

“As a kid I kept asking myself, if God gives everybody a purpose, like, what would be mine.  God put me on this earth to help others.  He asked me to spread positivity, to put smiles on people’s faces, and to just be there for people and show them that everything is going to be okay.”

“Catholicism can be spread through more than just the Bible.  It can be spread through more than just the church.  Catholicism can be spread through love, sportsmanship, and respect.”

“Remind yourself to be grateful for what you have and to talk to God and just ask Him for help and guidance.  I truly felt the Holy Spirit with me, especially during games, through that Bible verse.”

Related link:

Instagram account for Field of Dreams Foundation