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Dave Schultz

Episode 267

11 MAR 2024

He was active playing baseball as a youngster, and then added swimming to his list of sports when he got to junior high. As he got into high school, he stuck with swimming but dropped baseball, only to find out in the future that he was being scouted at the time. Later in life he taught at a Catholic school where he was also the softball coach and took a group of girls who never won a game prior to him coaching to being division champs. He would also coach baseball for the city parks and rec league, plus he coached for a couple of years in the Catholic Youth Organization.

Notable guest quotes:

“I was born and raised Catholic, but after I was confirmed, my parents did not push to go to church anymore.  We were regulars in the pews every week up until that point.”

“(My father) was a well-rounded athlete, growing up… and, the baseball part, I like to think it’s genetic too ‘cause my grandfather would’ve gone pro if it wasn’t for World War II.”

“Baseball was very big to me.  I played baseball from age five all the way to ninth grade… I was one of those kids that would just play any sport that was available.  I played basketball… flag football… golf.  I played tennis, a little bit of everything.”

“During (college) I remember going to church and I would hear friends talk about going to church and it just kinda popped in my head that, ‘Ya’ know, I kinda miss that part.’  I just remember having some feelings that kinda started pulling me back towards it.”

“One of my friends who volunteered regularly at one of the churches near campus, they said, ‘Hey, there’s openings for some catechists.  Do you want to join as a volunteer…’ and, I agreed to it.”

“I moved on to a Catholic school and taught there for three years, but during those times I volunteered to be the softball coach!”

“I’m the kinda coach, also, I’m always giving advice, but I’m always doing it positively… You’ll never hear me bash a player.  I don’t believe in that.  I don’t like seeing that.”

“It’s taking a step back and realizing it’s not about you… When they’re out on the field you can’t do everything for them.  You just have to teach as much as you can and hope that they’re able to do it out there on the field… You’ve got to give some release to your ego.”

“I was on the Parish Council for a couple years…  It was just something I felt called to do…. and… I was an active Knight for about two years or so.”

“The Catholic education, we think it’s been great for (our kids).  They’ve been very aware… of their faith and what it means to help out each other and what it means to give of themselves.”

(This episode contains a prayer from the National Catholic Coaches Association’s “The Leadership Papers,” although originally credited in there to The Coach’s Bible.)