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Jimmy Coleman

Episode 260

22 JAN 2024

He is in the middle of completing three ultramarathons in 30 days. The last one will be at the end of this month and is being called an Adoration Ultra, which will start in Mass, then Adoration, and then running to other Catholic churches and spending time in Adoration at those. He currently owns one course record for most miles ran in 24 hours (103.5). In his days as a student-athlete he competed in JV football, JV soccer, varsity wrestling, and ran cross country.  In the case of the latter, he was team captain and the team finished third in the state and he got scouted by some smaller colleges.

Notable guest quotes:

“I was born and raised Catholic with two parents that are still practicing Catholics, still love each other.”

“When I became a parent, that’s the time more than any other time that I realized just how privileged I was to come from the family that I have.  Many people don’t have parents that are still together, and of those people, many of them don’t have parents that still want to be together.  And I have two parents that genuinely love each other.”

“I chose Saint Sebastian as my patron (Confirmation) saint because, really, I loved sports growing up.  It was always my dream to be a professional athlete in some sport.”

“A friend of mine said, ‘Hey, you know, if you take really good care of your body and you work out and you look really strong, when you’re trying to sell to people, you’ll be more effective because people will respect you as a person and therefore want to do business with you, and then just therefore buy whatever you’re selling.’  So, it was a very vain reason for having any interest in getting back to working out.”

“In my faith, I saw myself as someone that would probably at least have more answers in how we all got here to begin with… I didn’t want to give my children just whatever was convenient for me.”

“To believe that there’s no Creator at all, it’s a very difficult thing to put your faith into.”

“If the resurrection is true, it proves Christianity right and everything else as not just wrong but likely even demonic.”

“I get to go to daily Mass, if nothing else I get to go to Mass every Sunday.  And I’m in the real presence of Jesus Christ… If I told you that every Sunday I’m in the real presence of Jesus, what would you do?  Would you go to your church, or would you go to mine?”

“People are under the impression sometimes that we need to water our faith down in order to reach atheists, and I think that we actually need to radicalize our faith a lot more in order to reach these people, in order for them to actually see people that really believe what they say that they believe.”

“I made this post on LinkedIn and Facebook a year ago, saying how the best growth hack of 2023 was attending daily Mass.”

“If what matters more than anything else is the salvation of our souls, the coolest mastermind to go to is, seeing all the old people in daily Mass every day.”

Related link:

Adoration Ultra website

(This episode contains a prayer seen in Play Like A Champion Today’s prayerbook for sports, God, Be In My Sport)