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Jesse Romero

Episode 97

7 DEC 2020

He was a three-time World Police Olympics boxing champion and is a former USA middleweight kickboxing champion and he is a member of the Sports Faith International Hall of Fame. He has a Master’s Degree in Catholic Theology and is an author, radio host, and evangelist. He is also a retired veteran of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

Notable guest quotes:

“I always had a sense of, I wanted to be on the side of good… Even since I was a kid, I’ve always had an understanding of good and evil, right and wrong, truth and lies, vice and virtue.”

“I remember as a Catholic school boy just hearing that gospel, the Sermon on the Mount, over and over again, ‘Blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called the Children of God,’ Matthew 5:9.  That stood with me ever since I was a little kid – peace maker, peace maker, peace maker.”

“I learned how to box, how to do martial arts.  Why?  Not to hurt people, not to be a bully.  So, I could be a peace maker.”

“I think America’s, uh, we’re suffering from truth decay and that’s why I felt called to be a sheepdog in the world of speaking and promoting the absolute truth of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Catholic church.”

“I think all the training I did in martial arts and in boxing, all that did was strengthen my resolve to realize that life is a battle; politically, intellectually, in our faith walk, it’s adversity, it’s climbing uphill.  And I think boxing and karate, it prepared me for the adversity of life.”

“I think it’s very Catholic to work out because our body affects our mind directly.  So, it’s our responsibility as Catholics to keep our bodies healthy.”

“I think what exercise is to the body, prayer is to the soul.”

“I was saying, ‘Wow, you can be a man of faith and a man of God, and also an athlete and also an effective police officer and a sheep dog.’  And so, those three, they’re not mutually exclusive.”

“I just had this explosion in my heart where I just said, like, ‘Wow, Jesus is amazing.  I LOVE Him!’  A switch just flipped in my heart… where I just said, ‘Man, I LOVE Jesus.  I want to follow Him’.”

Related link:

Jesse’s “Catholics Wake Up: Be A Spiritual Warrior” book

Jesse’s website

(This episode contains a prayer adapted from one by an unknown Confederate Soldier, as seen in Play Like A Champion Today’s prayerbook for sports, God, Be In My Sport)