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Steven Didik

Episode 57

2 MAR 2020

A triathlete who also had a successful college soccer career.  He is a Zone 3 ambassador, which is the world’s highest rated triathlon brand.  He also has many triathlons lined up to qualify for a national championship spot.  He also mentors local youth athletes who are trying to go to the NCAA to play college sports.  He also talks about being involved with both a non-profit called Faces of Courage AND multiple efforts to raise money to combat cancer, due to a personal attachment.

Notable guest quotes:

“Things like sports, your career, it’s not about me.  It’s not about me anymore, it’s about other people, what I can do for other people.  Everything else is just a distraction.  And you’re doing it all for a God that’s bigger than all of us.”

“You can win as much as you want.  You can do everything, but those are just tiny moments.  And, everything is about the journey.”

“Sometimes you lose that identity, and you put your identity in things like your career, things like sports, but, if you put your identity in something bigger, like giving back, giving to other people, or in God, I believe that you can never really fail.”

“I truly believe that, as I keep saying, doing things for other people, that’s where your success lies, and, trying to maintain that identity all the time.”

“Before each race I do go to 2 Corinthians 4: 8-9 … Whatever happens during those races, as long as they are, as rigorous as they are, as long as you kinda keep faith in your family, and in God, you’re never really broken… and that really keeps me going.”

“A lot of the kids, they put their entire identity in soccer, and… One of the things I really reiterate is, put your identity in other things.  Put it in your family.  Put it in your academics.  Put it in your faith.  And when you start to do that, it takes a lot of the pressure off as an athlete and you actually start to see a really big jump in performance.”

“Medals, championships, maybe even Olympic qualifying, things like that, it’s all moments.  But, your happiness is found in every day, the gratitude in each day, the people you meet.”

Related link:

Steven Didik on Instagram

(This episode contains a prayer originally excerpted and adapted from Day By Day: The Notre Dame Prayerbook for Students by Thomas McNally, as seen in Play Like A Champion Today’s prayerbook for sports, God, Be In My Sport)