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Annie Agar

Episode 262

5 FEB 2024

She is a sports content creator who has more than 1.6 million followers between TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter combined. She is also an NFL and college football correspondent, and has extensive sports broadcasting experience, including having been a sports reporter at the local news station in her hometown and having done sideline reporting for the NBA affiliate team from her hometown as well.  As a student-athlete she had competed in softball, basketball, and cross country, and later started into doing triathlons. On the faith side, she has powerful testimonies of perseverance, which she shares during this interview.

Notable guest quotes:

“My family grew up very Catholic… but my parents never really forced religion on us or said, ‘You have to be Catholic.’  They showed us by example, I think, and the way that they led their lives really showed to me how being Catholic can be such a peaceful thing and it gives you direction in life.”

“This… allowed me to dive more into my Catholic faith because it’s what I wanted to, not because of I was being made to do it.”

“We ended up being homeschooled… and it was a very faith-focused curriculum that we used… I learned the background of the saints that I now attribute so many great prayers to.”

“I think a lot of people say, ‘Well, it’s easy to be Catholic when things are going your way and it’s easy to pray when life is all sunshine and rainbows.’  So, my mom, and she’s very open about this, she lost her family at a very young age…  Her brother passed away when she was 16 of a very traumatic accident… And then when she was 19… my grandma got hit by a car… in front of my mom… and then my grandpa passed away a couple years after that… and her faith is so strong.”

“My dad… played for four years in the minors with the (Detroit) Tigers.  He was a relief pitcher… I ended up absolutely loving softball; played it many, many years.”

“He’s like, ‘You’re saying a Hail Mary before every pitch?  You cannot do that’.”

“That ties back into faith too… He sees his disability as an opportunity to show other people what they can do, and he does that through faith.”

“Since I was 16 (years old) I wear a St. Sebastian medal… and I have not taken it off since I was 16.  St. Sebastian is not only my favorite saint because… he’s the patron saint of athletes, but, so many prayers have been to St. Sebastian… I’ve interviewed a couple NFL players who’ve come up and said – ‘cause I always have my medal on – they’ve said, ‘Is that a St. Sebastian medal’?”

“I love the Franciscans… they do a lot of farm chores… and they produce food and things to give out to the community… and they are the funniest nuns.  I just love them to death… When I was growing up… we would go out and do things like help out the Franciscans… and helping out the Franciscans was my favorite thing.”

“At the end of the day I have my family, I pray about it, I have my friends, my close circle; if they’re proud of me and I’m proud of the content I put out and I feel like it’s doing what I’m meant to be doing – which is bringing people laughter – then there should be no question about it that that’s what you should be doing.”

“That is one of my favorite things.  I absolutely love going to churches in different states and different areas… Last year for the Super Bowl I was in Arizona and obviously Sunday is a very busy day and I still was able to find a church in my area and go to Mass before all the chaos ensued.  And it’s just a calming thing for me… I’m trying to go to Daily Mass more.”

Related link:

Annie’s TikTok account

(This episode contains a prayer seen in Play Like A Champion Today’s prayerbook for sports, God, Be In My Sport)