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Lamar Hunt Jr.

Episode 236

7 AUG 2023

He is a member of the founding family of the defending Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs and is also the owner of the Kansas City Mavericks, a franchise member of the ECHL. In addition, he is the founder of the Loretto Foundation, LLC, a private charitable organization. He also serves as interim president for St. Michael the Archangel High School in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, and on the board of directors of Hunt Midwest and the Bright Futures Fund. He has also served on the board of Dynamic Catholic for many years.

Notable guest quotes:

“(I) did some professional flute playing for a good while until I sort of transitioned to business and being able to kinda do some things with my dad in my late 30s and early 40s, which was a blessing.”

“Music has always been my lifelong passion, if you will, gift… and I do think ultimately it was maybe responsible in some ways… that helped me look at the world in a different way and hear the world in a different way and see the truth, goodness, and beauty of God and ultimately the Catholic Church.”

“I started to see the richness of the Catholic faith, the depth of the Catholic faith, the broad scope of the Catholic faith and how it just encompasses so much and the teaching of the Catholic faith and just what it can give to us.”

“Obviously sent our kids to Catholic schools and just am very grateful to this day for that Catholic education that I got to see my children get.”

“The single greatest gift you can give, I think, another human being or a child or a young person is introducing them to a relationship with God.”

“I think I was starting to recognize in my life – and this is my biggest belief about our Lord is – He’s a healer.”

“The sacrament of Confession and coupled with the Eucharist, just receiving that grace through those two specific sacraments I think has just given me that walk with the Lord and hopefully on the road to sanctity, the path of holiness.”

“(I’m) very much dedicated – if at all possible and it’s generally very possible – to go to daily Mass and to chew, if you will, on the daily gospel.”

“I’m a very strong devotee of Adoration and/or just time in front of the Blessed Sacrament.”

Related link:

Lamar’s bio on Loretto Foundation website