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Dr Lisa Petronis

Episode 235

31 JULY 2023

She is a licensed clinical psychologist and licensed marriage and family therapist who has seemingly done it all, sports-wise.  She currently participates in boxing, having played sports her entire life, including basketball, softball, running, and bodybuilding. Her athletic background also includes collegiate basketball, Division I offers, options to play internationally, and playing with a WNBA farm team. She has coached youth basketball as well as a senior women’s Olympic basketball team and has a sports ministry currently that provides sports-oriented training and integrates faith, with an emphasis on cultivating virtues.

Notable guest quotes:

“I’m a cradle Catholic and my family has always practiced the faith.”

“The boxing gym really brought people from all different backgrounds together and gave them an option at not just fighting in the ring and competing and becoming champions but really becoming champions in life.”

“For my young life we were at St. Adalbert’s, which was a beautiful church, a basilica of grand stature, is where I met God, was in that place and through the nuns.”

“We were able to attend Mass every day.  I think that’s where I was really formed in the faith and was able to appreciate the beauty of the sacraments, the silence of God and the way He reaches down from the heavens to communicate with us.”

“I played everything and, in those days, the Catholic schools, they had a rich connection with sports, and so there was, sports and the Catholic faith, there was a time where they went hand-in-hand.”

“So, it would be a little bit later that I just had to dive in deep on my own and just make a commitment to really grow in the faith and that’s definitely what I did.”

“I was inclined toward a more contemplative spirituality to begin with and that must’ve been what God knew was best for me.”

“Sport prepares me every day for the battle that I have to face against the Evil One to do the work of God.”

“I love our faith and I’m very happy when I can help others to integrate our faith into their healing journeys.”

Related links:

Lisa’s official website
California Sudanese Lost Boys and Girls Foundation
Fundraiser Lisa talks about in this interview

(This episode contains a prayer by Gregg Easterbrook from the NFL.com and ESPN.com column “Monday Morning Quarterback,” as seen in Play Like A Champion Today’s prayerbook for sports, God, Be In My Sport)