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Samantha LaMar

Episode 221

24 APR 2023

She was a late bloomer athletically, save for one sport that she competed in during her high school years. In her adult life she discovered bodybuilding and fell in love with the discipline of the sport and continues to this day to train like an athlete. She became a certified Personal Trainer and helps others not be intimidated by the weight room and think of themselves as athletes in training. However, the sport they are training is the race of life itself. The story that she tells at the end of this interview might just be the strongest part of her testimony! (UPDATE: Since this interview was recorded, sadly, Dr. Kevin Vost passed away.  He is mentioned in the second half of this episode in conjunction with an event that was being planned for later this year.)

Notable guest quotes:

“That’s what I love about Christ and how He did go into the places that we would be like, ‘How dare you talk to those people’!”

“Because of that I felt like, ‘Well, I guess I could talk to God.’  So, when I would go to bed at night, I just started having conversations with the Lord.”

“I quit going to the nightclubs.  I had no need for that or any kind of life outside of Christian virtue.”

“I know, without a doubt, each person has a particular calling in their life… It’s so important to be what God has made you to be and to live out that particular purpose.”

“To me, the way that God was preparing me to really live out even more fully what He’s called me to be, physical fitness was a big part of that, like, I had to be physically strong.”

“I’m always obedient to what I feel like God’s calling me to do.”

“Because I was able to tie that in in my spiritual life, it made it easier for me because it was like, I’m offering this up, this is part of Lent.”

“I’ve had over 20 surgeries on my abdomen, so, it just shows you can do anything, like, your body just will heal and it’s a miracle.”

“It’s like the Lord opens up different passages of possibilities and He’s already placed in our hearts what he wants us to do but sometimes we’re so blocked because we don’t think it’s possible.”

“I believe that as people become stronger, physically stronger, then they start to develop a hope that God wants us to have.”

“I felt like I was going to battle with the devil.  And I would praise and worship as I was working out and it would make a huge difference and then I would step off of there and so it became prayer.”

“What the Lord has placed on my heart is to really pull out of other people what He has placed in their hearts.”

Related links:

Samantha on the Roundabout Fitness website
Samantha on the Synergize website

(This episode contains a prayer originally from catholic.org, as seen in Play Like A Champion Today’s prayerbook for sports, God, Be In My Sport)