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Tim McCormick

Episode 217

27 MAR 2023

He was drafted in the first round, twelfth overall, by the Cleveland Cavaliers and went on to play ten seasons in the NBA, playing for Washington, Seattle, Philadelphia, New Jersey, Houston, Atlanta, and the New York Knicks. He had been on the NIT Champion University of Michigan basketball team and was named the NIT MVP. Earlier he had been a McDonalds All-American. In addition to being a longtime color analyst on ESPN, he has worked as a consultant with NBA players over the last two decades teaching strategies to improve performance and achieve greatness. He also runs the NBA Players Association’s TOP 100 Basketball Camp for the elite 100 high school players in the nation.

Notable guest quotes:

“I… went to school at Guardian Angels, which is a Catholic school in Detroit and each time we moved my parents prioritized getting us into a Catholic school.”

“I grew up Catholic and my faith was very important to me.  My parents taught me that as a Catholic that every Sunday my job was to be in church and to pray and ask forgiveness.”

“My whole life I had been in church on Sundays.  I felt like I knew God.  I prayed every night when I went to bed and I needed more.”

“There was no fellowship in my life, and this really opened up a whole new belief system for me.”

“I remember in that first meeting I read my favorite verse, and it’s Romans 8:28; In all things God works for those who love Him, who’ve been called according to His purpose.”

“I kept asking God, ‘What is my purpose? What am I here to do?  I have all this ability.  I have this size and I’m not using it.  I need help.’  And so that was a real turning point in my life and I’m very thankful for that.”

“I waited almost three months until I was able to get an answer from God.  And I remember Proverbs 16 says, Commit your actions to the Lord and your plans will succeed.”

“Really for the first time I started to gain hope and I felt like this was a message from God.”

“That was a real turning point for me.  And it gave me hope and it gave me confidence.  And I kept thinking about Luke 12 where it says, To whom much is given, much is required.”

“Psalm 118 says, This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad.  And I think that I did a pretty good job of always telling myself that, ‘You’re in the NBA.  And you have it made.  Focus on what you can control and just do the best you can’.”

“I believe that when I tell people I believe in God, that Jesus is at the center of my life, that somewhere God is smiling.  He likes that.”

Related link:

Tim’s official website

(This episode contains a prayer originally excerpted and adapted from Day By Day: The Notre Dame Prayerbook for Students by Thomas McNally, as seen in Play Like A Champion Today’s prayerbook for sports, God, Be In My Sport)