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Dr Kevin Vost

Episode 215

13 MAR 2023

He has competed in a variety of strength sports including Olympic weightlifting, bodybuilding, powerlifting, Highland Games Heavy Athletics, and team tug-of-war competitions.  He worked as a weightlifting and fitness instructor in college and has written several articles for fitness magazines and four books on strength training. His most recent book from 2022 is “You Are That Temple! A Catholic Guide to Health and Holiness,” and in total he has written twenty-seven books for Catholic publishers on a variety of topics.  Although retired, he continues to do heavy strength training almost every day.

Notable guest quotes:

“My middle name is Gerard, after St. Gerard Majella, the patron saint of expecting mothers.”

“It was there in the beginning from an Irish-Catholic mother.  My dad had converted to the faith when they got married… We went to church every Sunday… I went to Catholic grade school, taught by some wonderful Dominican sisters (and) a Catholic all-boys high school.”

“I thought, ‘Boy, if all this stuff I’ve been taught about Jesus is really true, then there’s nothing more important in the world and I should really kind of make sure I try to live my life according to the faith’.”

“I never wanted to go out and try to rob anyone of their faith… I might just vaguely say I’m Catholic, or I was raised Catholic.”

“I took this teaching course on natural law, which I was interested in, and it was actually taught by a Catholic priest… and he was talking about the ancient Greeks I really admired and respected.  Then he moves into St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas.  Now these, of course, were names I knew by being raised Catholic.”

“When I read St. Thomas Aquinas in particular, I was just kind of shocked to find that the specific arguments that modern atheists would use against God, I thought wow, Thomas, boom, blew those away over 700 years ago, using arguments from church fathers and philosophers who lived before him.”

“Faith does not have to go against reason, it can fulfill reason.  But you don’t have to give up your mind, you don’t have to give up your reasoning and critical thinking to follow Christ and to become a Catholic.”

“God permits evil only that from it a greater good may come.”

“I also intertwine the theme of the relationship between virtues and health and fitness.”

Related link:

Kevin’s official website