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Jeff Grabosky

Episode 204

26 DEC 2022

He completed a solo and unsupported 3,700-mile run across America in 2011. During the journey he ran while praying for intentions people sent him from all over the world.  He became one of only a small handful of people to cross the country in this manner, finishing with one of the longest routes in history while averaging more than 30 miles a day over the four-month journey. His book, “Running with God Across America,” was published in 2012 and details his prayerful journey. He also has a chapter in the book, “Across America on Foot,” which was published in 2020. He has continued to run after his journey, running long distances on his own, in the U.S., and even in the Holy Land. He had begun running at a young age, competing in cross-country throughout high school and recreationally in college, eventually completing his first marathon in 2004. He is currently the vice chairman for LIFE Runners, which he talks about during this interview.

Notable guest quotes:

“I was really blessed to be born into a good Catholic family.  We attended Mass every week.  My parents were involved in the parish, and they even had a group of friends that they would get together with periodically to pray the rosary for all the intentions of the group.  It was a really wonderful experience to witness as a young child through young adulthood.”

“I went to Catholic school through about fifth grade until I switched over to public school… and then I went to Notre Dame by the time I went to college.”

“As being a father, I can recognize that now in my life and trying to be very careful and intentional about how I conduct myself around our kids and how we do our daily routines and how we respond to different situations.”

“I graduated with majors in both Finance and Theology… the Theology was really driven by… I decided I wanted to focus on something that I really wanted to know more about and learn more about… and… after college I’ve spent countless hours, probably hundreds upon hundreds reading the Bible as well as other commentaries… to really deepen the faith, to really embrace it as my own.”

“I did my second hundred-mile (ultra-marathon) and took about six hours off my time, and I thought – based upon that and some other things – that I was going to be in a good position to take on this (cross country) journey but for a much higher purpose than just for myself.”

“It’s funny how often times in life we can look back on things and see how God was using those elements to prepare us for what was next.”

“After I had run a marathon for charity… the feeling of doing something for somebody else or for a cause that was dear to me was more rewarding than anything I had tried to do for myself prior.”

“I couldn’t ignore it anymore.  I really felt called to it.  I was praying about it a lot.  And I just got to the point where I couldn’t ignore it, and this wasn’t me trying to do something for my own glory.  I felt like God was calling me to do this and to do it for Him.”

“The finish of that run (across America) was really just the start for me even in my own spiritual journey.  So, it has been a journey and it continues to be one.”

(doing a long distance run in the Holy Land) “was an amazing story and one of the many instances that God has me right where He wants me.”

Related link:

Jeff’s book on Amazon

(This episode contains a prayer by Fr. Brian Cavanaugh, T.O.R., as seen in Play Like A Champion Today’s prayerbook for sports, God, Be In My Sport)