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Dr Jimmy Walters

Episode 201

5 DEC 2022

He has been in various roles in sports throughout his life. In his childhood he played CYO basketball and Little League baseball. In high school he played intramural softball and has also played in softball leagues in his adult life. He also coached CYO basketball in the past and nowadays helps coach his daughter’s baseball league. He also had a long history as a sportswriter for a newspaper in Queens and had been the Assistant Sports Editor for St. John’s University. He is the author not only of a book from two-and-a-half years ago called “Dreams Come True: Discovering God’s Vision for your Life,” but, more recently, a second book that just came out this past April, titled, “Batter Up: Answering the Call of Faith and Fatherhood.”

Notable guest quotes:

“Sports has always been part of my life and so is my faith.  It’s a part of who I am.”

“I don’t know if God gave me the most talent to play sports, but He did give me the talent to be able to write about it.”

“I felt that inner calling.  I didn’t want to go away to school.  And going to Catholic school was important.  It was always a part of my life.”

“Going (to St. John’s University) I got involved in my faith life pretty quickly.”

“It was that campus, that faith life, that really helped me at that point.  I remember on that Friday night I went to the chapel on campus, and they had a candlelight vigil.”

“It’s not just the relationship with Christ through prayer, but it’s through service.”

“Things that come easier to us, things that we do well, things that we do well that we love to do – that’s a key piece to it – those are gifts from God.  And then how do we spend that time to focus on that and to develop that further.”

“Saint Francis of Assisi is one of my favorite saints.”

“I was writing about the three things I love the most: God, baseball (and sports), and my family.”

“Sports was really the avenue of discovering God’s love… It’s a miracle in our society that we can gather tens of thousands of people in a stadium and they can get along… Strangers are hugging each other and there’s a sense of our unity and I like to believe there’s hope that if we can do that there, we can do that in other parts of our lives where maybe we’re not being so kind and caring to one another.”

“We pray together.  We talk about God.  We talk about the saints.”

Related links:

Jimmy’s official website

Jimmy’s two books on Amazon

(This episode contains a prayer from the National Catholic Coaches Association‘s “The Leadership Papers,” although originally credited in there to The Coach’s Bible.)