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Keara Mooberry

Episode 195

24 OCT 2022

She has been a swimmer for probably more of her life than not, starting from a young age to club teams to high school to college and even participating today in US Masters Swimming.  Plus, she also coached high school swimming, AND she is going to be a judge at CYO swim meets.  Along the way, as a student-athlete, she also competed in cycling.  She has also come to see the connection between swimming and her faith, which she talks about here.  As a wife and a mother, she also has a side business that serves those same roles and is influenced by her Catholic faith.

Notable guest quotes:

“The faith life was always a part of our family.  So, I was born Catholic, baptized Catholic as a baby, and we were always part of our parish wherever we lived.”

“We went to Mass every Sunday, and we did CCD through the parish on the weekends, and that was the majority of where our faith formation happened, was, at the parish and CCD.”

“Nothing else was comforting to me at all and in that moment, I reached for my Bible.”

“Philippians chapter 4, verse 6… still that verse today… it’s my favorite.”

“I started to get involved with the Newman Center and surround myself with… students who were striving for holiness in their lives.”

“After my reversion, my heart all of a sudden was open to meeting him.  I had no idea he was going to be my husband; I was only 19.”

“I started to read more spiritual readings and research more about the faith and… I’ve been on the journey to just learn more.”

“I came out loving the church, in a way, because of the community we had there.”

“I see it as a gift; my athleticism is a gift, the body that can do the swimming as a gift, and the people He put in my life to help me along the way.”

“When I’m swimming, I feel just so thankful that He’s given me this gift and that I am able to glorify Him in a way with my swimming and trying to offer it back to Him.”

Related link:

Keara’s side business, Heart In Hand Mama

(This episode contains a prayer adapted from one by an unknown Confederate Soldier, as seen in Play Like A Champion Today’s prayerbook for sports, God, Be In My Sport)