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Jordan Langdon

Episode 191

26 SEP 2022

She is a parent coach, motivational speaker, podcaster, and licensed counselor with Families of Character, which equips parents to lead their children with confidence and courage. As a student-athlete she played both basketball and volleyball, plus talks here about having even been on the men’s golf team, in addition to having ran track too. She also holds the all-important roles of being a wife and a mother (with children that play sports) and has thoughts about her experience at the gym and, “belonging to a team at home,” as she has discussed on *her* podcast and as is talked about during this episode.

Notable guest quotes:

“Cradle Catholic, grew up just two blocks from the Catholic church.”

“My kids are in Catholic school now, or, were in Catholic school, and I homeschool them now.”

“My parents were very faithful about bringing us to Mass every weekend.  We never missed.  And we did go to religious education on Wednesday evenings.”

“We spent a lot of time at our parish, cleaning up the grounds and serving Mass … so, just being a very active part of our parish.”

“Making sure that we’re integrating what we’re learning in Mass… and living in a way that is Christ-like and virtuous.”

“Our basketball coach would say, ‘Ya’ know, there are a lot of kids your age that would love to be out here playing sports and because of a disability they’re unable to.  So, I want you to play for that person, put somebody in your mind and sacrifice.  Do your best because someone else would love to be in your position and is unable to.’  That’s been with me over the years and it’s something that I call to mind everyday when I’m at the gym myself doing a workout.”

“There’s so many parallels between a sports team and a family team.  In fact, I always say that our family is the most important team we will ever be a part of.”

“Our family has done over 150 team huddles… We do that every Sunday at our house… The team huddle has been, I would probably say, the number one most transformative thing in my marriage and family life.”

“We live across the street from the church, so we love to ride our bikes over and go to Adoration and say Hi to Jesus… and just be an integral part of our Catholic community.”

Related link:

Families of Character

(This episode contains a prayer attributed to a blog published by the National Catholic Register, as seen in Play Like A Champion Today’s prayerbook for sports, God, Be In My Sport)