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Lance Mudd

Episode 187

29 AUG 2022

From an early age, he wanted to be a cowboy. He loved working cattle with his dad and competing for ribbons and trophies in youth rodeos. In high school, he not only played football and other sports but won a national championship in the boy’s cutting horse contest. In college he competed in rodeo events for McNeese State University and, after college, as a steer wrestler at the professional level, and, he is still active in team roping today. Sports even carried over into his business, entertaining clients with hunting, golfing, fishing, and motorcycle trips.

Notable guest quotes:

“Our upbringing, (we) went through Catechism, all the sacraments, and mom made sure that we went to Mass no matter what.  We didn’t miss Mass for rodeo, baseball, or nothing.  We went to church.”

“Through the sports it taught me the work ethic that it takes and that you’re gonna lose more than you’re gonna win.”

“I started making money, which I never really had, and got a little ego to me – you know what EGO stands for, Edging God Out – but it became my God, because I didn’t have to be 6’2” and 250 pounds.”

“In the business world I did not know how to be a good Catholic and a businessman… I was all in in business and that was my God.”

“The business world, the money, the Rolexes, the motorcycles, the motor homes, all the stuff that they said would make you happy, it didn’t.  It would fulfill me for a little while but then it would vanish.”

“Financially I was okay, but mentally, physically, spiritually I was broke.  Bankrupt.”

“I fly down, I hear that they need help in Mexico building a church.  So, I fly down by myself, go meet the priest, I see what they’re doing, and… These people would walk to Mass, humble, poor people and it just blew my mind – no air conditioning, their families there, and they were dressed nicer than I was.”

“When I came home, I started going to Mass daily, every day, every day, front row, listening to the whole Mass.  And it was just a blessing that Our Lady of Guadalupe just took my soul and brought it to her Son, Jesus, and it changed me.  God showed me love and mercy.”

“I encourage men, no matter what state of life you’re in, whether you’re holy or really don’t know God that much, that, they offer so many great retreats.”

Related link:

Lance’s official website

(This episode contains a prayer originally from catholic.org, as seen in Play Like A Champion Today’s prayerbook for sports, God, Be In My Sport)