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Tyler Rosser

Episode 133

16 AUG 2021

For more than four years now he has been the head women’s soccer coach at Ave Maria University, where last November he was named the Sun Conference Coach of the Year after guiding the team to the best season in the history of the program. He also last year became the winningest coach in conference play in program history. Before taking the job at Ave Maria he was the head coach of the Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School girls’ team for three years. He is licensed by the United States Soccer Federation and is an alumnus of his current employer.

Notable guest quotes:

“Growing up I did love God, I loved Jesus, but in terms of the Catholic faith I struggled to know why we do a lot of things as Catholics.”

“Growing up it was always my mom’s influence that helped me stay in the Catholic faith.  And so when I got to college I sort of had a choice to make — do I want to continue with this or do I not want to continue with this, so to speak.”

“That was really the first time in my life — although I probably heard it, but this was maybe the first time that I was actually listening — where I heard that I could have a friendship with Jesus.”

“We don’t initiate the relationship with Jesus.  He is always seeking us.  He’s coming after us gently and peacefully and patiently and kindly.”

“I think that the Lord has really brought me through as an athlete, and He has always put a desire on my heart to coach or be involved in sports some way.”

“I just fell in love at the conference with Jesus in the Eucharist because not only do I have a friendship with Jesus but now I can encounter Him literally on a daily basis whether it be in Adoration or at Mass.”

“I went to India… there was a five-week mission trip… it was working with Mother Teresa’s order of the Missionaries of Charity.”

“I went up to the chapel and Eucharistic Adoration was there and I just got down on my knees and I said, ‘Jesus, like, my whole life I’ve been trying to do things on my own and I don’t want to do that anymore and I just really desire at this moment to surrender my entire life to you completely’.”

“I really learned about the integration of the faith into a (soccer) program and how one can do that effectively.  The Lord, I think, had a plan in those years of preparing me for my role now.”

“The reason I coach is so much greater than wins and losses.  It’s really to help these women get to heaven and ultimately for them to help me get to heaven too.”

Related link:

Tyler’s full bio on Ave Maria website

(This episode contains a prayer from the National Catholic Coaches Association‘s “The Leadership Papers,” although originally credited in there to The Coach’s Bible.)