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John Scott

Episode 130

26 JULY 2021

He played close to 300 games over eight seasons with seven different National Hockey League teams and he was the MVP of the 2016 NHL All-Star Game. He had played college hockey for four years at Michigan Tech and has an autobiography called, “A Guy Like Me: Fighting to Make the Cut.”  He also has his own podcast, called, “Dropping the Gloves.”

Notable guest quotes:

“That’s what I did for my whole childhood, just skate in the winter and play baseball and lacrosse in the summer.”

“Sometimes I did go out of my way to fight when maybe I shouldn’t have.”

“Nowadays there’s so much hate and just people being separated by the religion and politics, all this stuff.  If you just kind of realize, like, hey, you know what, I can help that person, whether it’s in a grocery line letting someone go in front of you or when you’re driving not beeping your horn, be like, ya’ know what, go ahead, I forgive you, move along.”

“I just chalked it up to I’m pretty lucky, I’m pretty lucky, but looking back now, obviously I found my faith and I found the reason behind all of that; it was God, it was the Holy Spirit kind of weaving me through my life.  And it took taking a step back and realizing, gosh, I could’ve never done this on my own, and there was a driving force there.”

“My wife, she’s very good at reminding me… ‘You have 15 guardian angels because you should not be where you’re at right now’ and I totally agree with here where it’s just like, golly, God is great because I have so many blessings.”

“You really try to pay it back and you try to do the right thing and you’re like, ‘Okay, you’ve given me so much, Lord, I’m gonna go out and try to spread the gospel, spread the Word, raise my kids right, do the right thing, and just be a good human being.”

“Everybody is given so much and it’s just amazing that God doesn’t want anything back, but it’s nice to try our best.”

“I kind of delved into the history of the faith and it was really great where I didn’t just do it because I had to.  I ended up doing it because I wanted to.  It’s such a beautiful faith and the history is so rich.”

“I couldn’t imagine myself being not Catholic.  I try to go to Mass every day.  I do all these things at the church.  I try to involve myself any way I can.”

“The faith is my whole life now.  Everything we do, my wife and I, just kind of revolves around God and our faith and trying to be in tune with that and that’s what I want to talk about… Our whole life is kind of encompassed by the church and it’s so great.”

“I now serve three days a week at the Carmelite monastery.  It’s a traditional Latin Mass.”

“You will never regret going up and serving our Lord just any way you can.”

“Faith is such a strong part of my life, it would be hard to hide it.”

Related links:

John’s official website

(This episode contains a prayer originally excerpted and adapted from Day By Day: The Notre Dame Prayerbook for Students by Thomas McNally, as seen in Play Like A Champion Today’s prayerbook for sports, God, Be In My Sport)