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Kimberly Trichel

Episode 121

24 MAY 2021

Faith-wise, she tells a story here of having a reversion to the faith with her husband after a significant life event. Sports-wise, she worked for college football’s Fiesta Bowl for two years, the National Hockey League’s Arizona Coyotes for eight years, and at the Central Hockey league for seven years. As a student-athlete she had played both softball and volleyball, and, present day, she still participates in a couple sports recreationally. She is the Executive Director of the Arizona chapter of HopeKids, which provides ongoing events, activities and a powerful, unique support community for families who have a child with cancer or some other life-­threatening medical condition.

Notable guest quotes:

“I think there’s something to be said to have the fellowship among other students and athletes and it does give you goals, you have attainable goals that you want to reach.”

“It’s funny how God just leads you in certain directions, right?”

“In my office at the Coyotes I had one of Mother Teresa’s quotes right there in my office.  It’s one of my favorites… That always spoke to my heart… and maybe a little bit of evangelizing if people would come in and ask about it too.  Any opportunity you can, right, to share the Good News of the Lord, right, and to bring people into the church hopefully, and maybe people that have fallen away.”

“We both moved out (to Arizona) in 2001, actually September 11th, 2001… we were driving… any plans that we kind of had made, you just drop everything.  We went to church.  We found a Catholic church right away in Mesa… It definitely was a day of prayer and consideration.”

“My husband is also a cradle Catholic.  I did happen to meet him when I was 18 years old, which was God looking out for me.  So, I pretty much stayed out of trouble (laughs).”

“I really strongly believe — especially now where I am with my faith walk — that it was just being poorly catechized and not understanding the urgency and the intimate relationship that you need to have with the Lord and especially the Eucharist.”

“I can remember when the Holy Spirit actually entered my husband, and it never has left.”

“We definitely wanted to have a different formation for our children and to be very engaged and make sure they knew how engaged we were in the church and what a beautiful blessing that was.”

“For me it is making sure that these kids get to embrace these wonderful lives of the saints, to have the opportunity to do monthly adoration and monthly confessions, and hopefully we’ll get to the point of even daily Mass.”

Related link:

HopeKids website